I.A.A empowers women by helping them have access to financial opportunities and develop skills that would help them claim their rights. Women are therefore, often marginalized, less educated, restricted rights to property inheritance and are not always able to participate in decision making processes locally.

Women are suffering of

Limited opportunities

Opportunities on entrepreneurship, capacity building and access to land are always limited. Where these facilities are available, they are not reliable, affordable and accessible.

Domestic violence, child trafficking and early marriages

They suffer from domestic violence and their girls fall victims of child trafficking and early marriages. They are exposed to all forms of domestic violence including financial abuse.

Our women need all encouragements and support for their home-feel and well-being

What we do for women

I.A.A is empowering women in conservation, leadership, agriculture, vocational training, financial management, micro- business and entrepreneurship skills and supporting them with startup loans to start new businesses/ or improve existing ones.

Women in business

I.A.A assists women with entrepreneurial skills through micro-business training and financing, as well as forest conservation, agriculture and providing them with farm inputs so that they can be able to build wealth for their families and participate in nation building.